
Note: Comments are supported on post layout only currently.

If you want to use comments in your post layout, you should enable it first.

  enabled: true

The theme currently supports two types of comments providers. More providers are coming.


You should have a Disqus account and create a new site.

Then set the comment provider to disqus and set your Disqus Website Name as

  enabled: true
  provider: disqus
    name: your_website_name

Static Comments

The Static Comments were inspired by Staticman. When someone comments, it produces a yml file and push it to your repository. You can set the fields of a comment freely. All of your comments are stored in your repository along with your blog.

You can learn about more from the official document.

If you want to use Staticman in this theme, you should set the provider to static and the postUrl to your Staticman API.

  enabled: true
  provider: static
    postUrl:{your GitHub username}/{your repository name}

How to get a Staticman API?

I used this API in my personal Chinese blog for several months and finally dropped it, for there are some issues in the newest API.

But I like the idea of Staticman. So I write a simple app instead of it and deployed it to Heroku freely. By doing that I can keep the theme and all of my comments data unchanged.

Find more here if you are interested. But it is rough and uncompleted.

If you happened to have your own API, just set it to your postUrl. Your comment form and comment list are included in this theme.


This is a feature I used in my blog’s static comment. Your blog’s visitors can add smileys when post a comment. It can be used only if your comment’s provider is static.

It is supported by the jekyll-smiley plugins. So first install the plugin.

Then enable it in your site’s _config.yml.

  enabled: true
  dir: img/smileys

The smileys are not included neither in the theme nor the plugin. You should include theme in your blog matually and set the dir. You can find an example here.